Bir Singh Khalsa
April 18, 1946 ~ August 25,2022
Bir Singh died after a motor vehicle incident in which he had lost consciousness while driving, due to a heart arrhythmia episode. He was transported to the Albuquerque trauma center, where he was in a coma for 2 weeks before passing away peacefully.

Bir Singh was born and raised in Chicago, IL. After graduating from college, he taught 4th grade for 3 years in Chicago. Then began his journey as a seeker and adventurer in consciousness. That journey brought him to the 3HO ashram in Houston, TX in 1972, where he dedicated himself to kundalini yoga as well as to seva at the Golden Temple Restaurant. The ashram leader there then suggested he go to study with the teacher and ashram head in Phoenix, AZ.
He took teacher training in Phoenix and began leading the teacher training courses. He then became right hand man to the ashram head. He and his wife Bir Kaur met and married in Phoenix and worked at the ashram businesses before moving to Kings Beach, Lake Tahoe, CA. Bir Singh and Bir Kaur started an ashram at Lake Tahoe and taught yoga and vegetarian lifestyle all around the Tahoe area. They had 2 children, Kirpal Singh and Dharma Kaur born in that little ashram.
For more than 50 years Bir Singh lived and lovingly served according to the 3HO and Kundalini Yoga practices. He became a Sikh minister in 1973 and always dedicated himself to the lifestyle. He worked at and managed several ashram businesses over the years from juice company to restaurant kitchen to house painting to natural food distribution to managing the automobile fleet for Yogi Bhajan in Espanola, NM. In 1988, he was an instrumental participant with the crew that built Siri Singhasan Gurdwara at the mother ashram in Espanola.
Bir Singh was known for his kindness to everyone. He was also a loving and absolutely devoted husband, father and grandfather, giving his all with joy and always focusing on the wellbeing and happiness of his loved ones.