“You are those sons and daughters of destiny; you are those Siblings of Destiny whom God has loved with His own consciousness and own heart”. ~ The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings, 7/4/84.

“In a normal way of life, death means separation. It means that a dear one has left. Death means sorrow or sadness. In Sikh Dharma we celebrate death with music, with kirtan, with prayers and with langar. We say a prayer for the person who has gone home. So American death and Sikh American death are poles apart. It should not be a sad situation. It should just be very bright, very beautiful”. ~ Siri Singh Sahib Ji, “Merging with the Infinite”, 3/11/85.

“Death is an ultimate friend, not to fear with conscience clear, one awaits its kiss. The ultimate key to heaven’s majestic peace, everlasting bliss is in that wonderful sacred kiss”. ~ The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings, 6/2/86.

“When you walk on the path of destiny and the fatal blow of death will come, you shall be liberated”. ~ Siri Singh Sahib Ji from “Merging with the Infinite”, 4/24/91.