Rajinder Kaur, SS

SS Rajinder Kaur Khalsa died of cancer at her home in Taos, NM, at the age of 62. Her name personified her demeanor: ‘Raj’ means royal, noble, one who governs wisely and is in tune with the divine flow. ‘Inder’ is one who dwells in divine consciousness. Rajinder Kaur was blessed with the capacity to guide and counsel others with kindness and wisdom. As a Montessori teacher for 27 years, she had the gift of reaching children and uplifting their hearts and souls and directing them to their own victory. For over 30 years she was a steady presence in Sunday Gurdwaras—as a teacher to the children and as a powerful tabla player.

Rajinder Kaur’s service to all, her humble personality, and her strength to meet her last challenge, all defined her. She is survived by her husband, SS Harbhajan Singh Khalsa, who currently lives in South America.